At TRC solutions, we do more than deliver innovative business management solutions for our customers. Our SAP Business One Analysts drill deep into your business, gaining insights into processes, growth goals and any impediments that may present issues in the future. For more than twenty five years we have developed many long term partnerships with leading enterprises and have become part of our customers team, understanding their businesses, adding value and seeking best in class solutions for them.
There are other key differences to our approach, including:
Using only SAP approved Add ons
TRC Solutions use only best of breed industry add ons for SAP Business One. We will only ever implement add on solutions that have been certified by SAP and pass our detailed due diligence process. We do this to ensure your implementation has full and proper support from both SAP and the SAP partner. Some customers who have moved their SAP partnership to TRC Solutions had previously been locked into outdated versions of the SAP software, due to unapproved, customised, non corporate grade add ons, developed by other SAP partners. These custom built applications can cripple the capability of the solution, resulting in poor performance for the enterprise and reducing return in investment.
Customers using non approved SAP add ons, are exposing their business to security and compatibility issues. Non certified providers do not have access to beta testing, SAP labs, or pre release versions and documentation. We have seen customers who can not avail of the required latest features in a new release of SAP Business One, upgrades that would improve the efficiency of their Business One System – upgrades that they are entitled to through their maintenance contract with SAP.
It is important to speak to your SAP partner and ensure that you are on fully certified and approved SAP add ons to future proof your return on investment. If you are unsure, you can contact us for a discussion on your options by clicking here. We will be happy to direct you to a list of approved certified add ons and confirm whether your add ons are certified by SAP.
Working with you, our customer
As your SAP business partner, TRC Solutions will say what we do and do what we say in a transparent, auditable and documented fashion. Did you know that during a typical SAP Business One implementation, you make over one thousand YES/NO and business process workflow decisions? If this is not accurately recorded in a referenced document, how can the progress, timeline and success of the project be tracked. Our processes are so defined and transparent, that we are happy to offer fixed project costs and timelines, making us accountable for the implementation.
Avoiding Technical Jargon
We understand that implementing a new SAP Business One System calls for many decision points and technical jargon can add confusion to the process. We engage with the various parts of your business and speak their language to gain a deep understanding of the needs. Whether it’s the sales, distribution or finance departments, we get to know what the concerns and challenges are and put together a full set of plans for each phase of the implementation. This plan or scope fully documents the deliverables, explaining the best SAP implementation options and how they can be integrated in their language.
We ensure the final implementation addresses the original business requirements, resulting in longevity and return on investment for the organisation. It also increases buy in from the internal stakeholders, as the whole project team is singing from the one fully documented hymn sheet.
As an organisation, every staff member at TRC Solutions has been encouraged to read the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. We base our project and professional methodology and delivery on habit number two “Start with the end in mind.”
We believe in partner mobility
We believe that any customer should have the choice to work with any partner they choose, ensuring customers can work with the best fitting partner for their requirements. Our business, like yours is made up of people. These are the most important and unique assets of any organisations. We seek and are delighted to work with like minded companies. We find that the communication bandwidth and end result is significantly enhanced when dealing with organisations that have synergies in their value systems. We will only propose to work with a business if we truly believe we are a good fit for that business and can add significant value.
If your organisation has worked with a SAP partner who has installed custom add ons, this does not mean that your organisation is stuck with that particular SAP partner indefinitely. In our experience, we can review unapproved custom add ons and establish the best course of action for your organisation. In our experience, there are certified add ons for most vertical requirements. We also regularly discover implementations where old custom add ons are being used unnecessarily due to that functionality now being part of the core product, delivered by SAP on their development roadmap.
Your License belongs to you
We believe that when you buy a license it is perpetual unless you are on a SAAS model. We believe it highly unethical to put license stop dates on your system, which is why you will never find this in our systems. We have found this practice being used to spur customers, receiving sub par service, to renew their maintenance contracts or clear balances for disputed invoices. If you have experienced screens like this (hyperlink) call us to discuss your options.
SAP Business One delivered on time and in budget
At TRC Solutions we clearly outline a detailed road map, listing all deadlines, outcomes and other key metrics. This provides a fully transparent view on what is expected from our services. We never enter an agreement expecting delayed implementation times, but rather your assigned SAP Analyst, from our team in Ireland or the UK, will scope out the project from start to finish and set expectations. This is a collaborative effort that will give you full visibility of the project and the ability to ask questions and input during the implementation.
There are many ways to assess the services currently being offered by your SAP Business One partner. If you would like a free consultation with one of our SAP Analysts, please contact us by clicking here. We can review the current applications running and explore how your enterprise can maximise return on investment.
[cta link=”″ colour=”grey”]Arrange a call with one of our SAP Business One Consultants[/cta]