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Eternity – delivering excellence to Dublin Cemeteries Trust

Eternity – delivering excellence to Dublin Cemeteries Trust Eternity Cemetery Management is unlike any other software on the market. The SAP-authored product brings every workflow a Cemetery or Crematoria needs to operate into one secure Enterprise system. Unlike most other systems, Eternity was built through guidance from the end-user: Dublin Cemeteries Trust. When TRC Solutions…

Creating a burial booking with Enterprise Cemetery Management

Booking with Enterprise Cemetery Management Enterprise Cemetery Management offers cemeteries the ability to improve through state of the art technology specifically designed for their industry. ECM leverages SAP best practices and Glasnevin Trust’s industry expertise to simplify and secure their workflows. Below, TRC Solutions CEO, Gavin Peacock and Solutions Director, Steven Maguire demonstrate how a burial booking…

Enterprise Cemetery Management

Enterprise Cemetery Management Enterprise Cemetery Management is a unique software powered by SAP for the management of the modern cemetery. Built by TRC Solutions with guidance from Glasnevin Trust, ECM is the only system that covers every aspect of cemetery control. TRC Solutions As an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) partner, TRC Solutions were in a…

Join TRC Solutions and Glasnevin Trust for a Webinar on Cemetery Solutions

We hope you will join TRC Solutions and Glasnevin Trust this Friday, September 11th at 11 am (Dublin Time) for a Webinar on Modern Cemetery Solutions. Glasnevin will explore how the Software has enabled them to improve and work remotely without any disruptions. Register here:

How a Modern Cemetery Solution supports Remote Working

  While all businesses and industries are being impacted due to COVID-19 restrictions, Cemetery and Crematoria Services face significant difficulties. Cemeteries and Crematoria cannot close shop and wait for things to blow over. Their services need to run as efficiently as ever, clientele need to be treated with utmost discretion during the difficult time and…

How Modern Cemetery Solutions supports Remote Working Webinar

There are countless benefits of a Cemetery Management Software for operating Cemeteries and Crematoria efficiently. For our clients, the restrictions due to COVID-19 has brought an obvious benefit to the forefront: The ease of Remote Working. On Friday 11th of September at 11 am (Dublin Time), TRC Solutions will be hosting a webinar with Glasnevin…

Full Cemetery Management Software Webinar 05/08/20

[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] Full Cemetery Management Software Webinar On Wednesday 5th of August 2020, TRC Solutions introduced our Cemetery Management Software at a live Webinar “Improve Cemetery Management through Modern Solutions”. SAP Solutions Director, Steven Maguire and Mervyn Colville of Glasnevin Trust, who have introduced the platform to operate more efficiently, explain the Software…

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