In the latest version of SAP Business One (Version 10.0), SAP has produced the world’s Most Comprehensive Business Management System for SMEs and emerging enterprises to scale through.
The upgrade brings new features and functionalities to users in the system and Web Client. Upgrading to Version 10.0 will empower clients to run their businesses to their full potential, drive growth and deliver a competitive edge. In this blog, TRC Solutions will explore the upgrade from the end client perspective.
The Web Client is based on SAP Fiori design principles encapsulating SAP Business One core processes and business logic alongside an advanced user experience.
Focused on creation, the Web Client is seamless in processing, updating and advanced delivery of:
• Sales Quotations
• Sales Orders
• A/R Deliveries
• A/R Invoices
• Business Partners
• Items
• Activities
• Credit Memos
Users can launch the Web Client in either a desktop computer or tablet using the Google Chrome or Firefox web browser providing real-time performance analysis from wherever you are. The Web Client can also be launched directly from the regular SAP Business One desktop application and supports CRM, Microsoft 365, URL mashup and Fiori/HTML5.
Financial Management has been enhanced in Version 10.0 through standard drillable links to ledger details and the addition of Golden arrows to account codes allowing users to drill down into the account record within the Chart of Accounts.
The posting period table is simplified through new sorting functionality, filtering options and free-text searching. Setting the new check box now creates a period with due dates due in the next financial year and makes new posting period creation easier because the due date to the field is automatically set to the previously entered date.
An additional improvement is the extended Journal entry where the remarks field contains the increased capacity for more characters.
Improved Project Management through interactive Gantt Chart allows Project Phases to be moved or extended through new fields and planning and managing tasks are now much more user friendly.
The improved usability is first made clear through the new theme- Belize deep which is available when using Fiori style cockpit. The User interface is enhanced with more icons and the ability to resize and maximise form size with several fields means less scrolling and greater clarity.
A changelog for exchange rates lists and a refresh button enabled for balance sheet comparison have also been introduced. For our clients, we see the key UX highlights as:
• New skin style
• Company Name inclusion
• Show/Hide Toolbar function
• Resize / Maximise Forms
• User Name in License Administration
• User Name in Add-on Administration
Contact TRC Solutions for a full dive into Version 10.0
SAP has introduced new features in Serial & Batch number management and UoM (Unit of measurement) Group Changing. Serial & Batch number management: Now, the document types A/R reserve invoices and Inventory Transfer Requests are now included in updating the serial numbers.
The UoM relationship can be changed for item master data. For that, close open documents and the UoM group conversation rate definition can be changed.
There are enough Administration Improvements to fill 10 blogs, for a full view of all Admin Upgrades see this document
For us, we see the biggest benefits our clients will experience are:
• Document Printing Enhancements
• Referenced Document Enhancements
• Tab-Level Authorisations in Master Data Record
• System Handling Enhancements
• Support Attachment Tab in Additional Objects
• Field Length Increase
• Introduction of Support Expiration Date
• Business Process Enhancements
• Approval Process Enhancements
For our clients across the UK, the new Brexit Localisation will deliver major improvements Version 10.0’s localisation enhancements are there for new localisation in the UK and Northern Ireland due to Brexit. Going forward, ‘UK’ will be code for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland while ‘GB’, the existing code for UK international / Republic of Ireland.
This results in a smooth transition from pre-Brexit GB Localisation to the new UK Localisation for all SAP Business One Version 10.0 users.
For more information on the full benefits of upgrading to SAP Business One Version 10.0, get in touch with TRC Solutions and arrange a Brief Discovery Call.